2021 Liberty Il Pack

Pack Price: $100
Price Per Car: $12

Pack Includes 13 Vehicles
2013 Chevy Caprice
2013 Chevy Tahoe
2013 FPIU
2014 Dodge Charger
2016 FPIU
2016 FPIU K-9 Variant
2016 Dodge Ram
2018 F-150
2018 F-150 K-9 Variant
2018 FPIS
2018 Dodge Charger
2019 Chevy Tahoe
2020 FPIU

Detailed & High Quality Interior
Highest of quality parts & vehicle bases
Wrap around for all vehicles
Matching Light Patterns & Lighting Setups
Red and Blue & Blue and Blue Options
Templates & Skins Provided
12 Extras on each vehicle, For full customization
Ability to go unmarked
Lighting Templates
4 Preset patterns to choose from
Tutorials included on how to edit patterns, carcols, Skins and more.

Liberty II Pack *Top Seller* — $50


User Reviews

Product: Liberty II Pack *Top Seller* 5/5

“The absolute best Liberty II pack I've bought. Fantastic modeling, fantastic lighting, and just overall a really high quality pack. Would definitely recommend pickin”.sketchyman

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